How We Develop Our Conference Program
Each year, the National Office invites submissions via our official Call for Proposals. The Association President sets the theme and areas of focus (sub-themes) that guide the curation of our conference program. We welcome proposals from activists, administrators, artists, educators, dreamers, practitioners, and feminist trouble makers with a vested interest in and commitment to promoting and supporting the production and dissemination of knowledge about gender and sexuality through teaching, learning, research and service in academic and other settings. Our commitments are to: illuminate the ways in which women’s, gender, and sexuality studies are vital to education; to demonstrate the contributions of feminist scholarship that is anti-racist, comparative, decolonial, global, intersectional and interdisciplinary to understandings of the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences; and to promote synergistic relationships between scholarship, teaching and civic engagement in understandings of culture and society.
As a gentle reminder, the Association limits presenters to two (2) presentation sessions to assist us with building the conference schedule as well ass honor all of our needs for balance and wellness in what can be a very capitalist space of expected (constant) production, and to allow for more diverse presenter participation!