Constituency Groups

A Space for Community

Current Members of NWSA can join and participate in Constituency Groups, which are member-driven spaces focused on facilitating networks of support, exploring scholarly and activist topics, professional standards within subsets of the discipline, and fostering community connections based upon shared socio-political locations.

Constituency Groups also invite leadership development for members and support the NWSA vision in strengthening the reach of a WGSS-grounded education. NWSA offers four different avenues of connecting with peers: Caucuses, NWSA Core Committees, Interest Groups, and Task Forces. Explore below to learn more about each of these community spaces! You can also review Article VII of our Bylaws, which names the importance of our Constituency Groups. All active members of NWSA are able to easily join our Constituency Groups (with the exception of Caucuses that require separate dues) by exploring the NWSA Community Hubs when logged in.

Read Our Bylaws


Caucuses focus on groups that are historically underrepresented within our larger society and/or in the Association. As a sub-community of NWSA, Caucuses ground community through shared socio-political locations as standpoint epistemologies; we work to honor how the personal is political and how our lived experiences offer rich knowledge as well as ways of knowing. As these spaces are anchored in shared identity, Caucuses are also a space for co-creating, sharing, and engaging scholarly knowledge within the field. Caucuses also sponsor sessions with the Annual Conference, oversee Student Awards, and co-sponsor initiatives within the larger membership. Therefore, select Caucuses require additional membership dues (which run for one calendar year from purchase).

The Association holds four sets on the Board (the Governing Council) for the co-chairs of two foundational Caucus groups - the Lesbian Caucus and the Women of Color Caucus. These Caucus Constituency Groups were established in response to continued homophobia and racism during the early years of the Association. Rather than frame how these systems of oppression impact(ed) members in the past, we remain committed to amplifying these two spaces as we are not precluded from continued homophobic and racist harm. The co-chairs of the Lesbian Caucus and Women of Color Caucus, respectively, thus serve a two-year term on the Board (congruent with the leadership of each Caucus) in order to ensure substantive representation as well as advocacy across the membership. You can join a Caucus, if it requires dues, by clicking the button below.

Caucus Membership Dues

Our active list of Caucus Groups include: 



Activity Status

Aging and Ageism Caucus

Vacant Inactive 
Community College Caucus Bridget Kriner Active
Feminist Mothering Caucus Vacant Inactive 
Girls and Girl Studies Caucus Brittany Miles Active
Graduate Student Caucus Vacant Inactive 
Indigenous Peoples Caucus Luhui Whitebear Active

Jewish Caucus

Vacant Inactive 
Lesbian Caucus Dominique C. Hill Active
Muslim+ Feminist Caucus Hafza Girdap Active

North American Asian Feminist Collective

Lin Li & Wen Li Active

Queer and Trans People of Color Caucus

Ana Bernal & Melinda Chen

South Asian Feminist Caucus

Shoba Rajgopal


Trans/Gender Variant Caucus

E Lev Feinman & Lily Wolf

Transnational Feminisms Caucus


Women of Color Caucus

Stephanie Allen & Sabah Uddin


Core Committees

The Association is deeply proud of our two core committees that are vital to the NWSA mission:

  • The Program Administration and Development (PAD) Committee focuses on roles that are vital to the NWSA's investments in the field of women's, gender, and sexuality studies; it serves as a space for program chairs and directors to network, coalition build, and share resources aimed at sustaining the work of women's, gender, and sexuality studies academic departments/programs. PAD is led by elected members of the Association and work in partnership with the National Office to coordinate our annual pre-conference and virtual Chair and Directors Meeting each spring.
  • The Women's Centers Committee (WCC) is comprised of elected co/chair(s) and members who engage in, lead, and support the work of campus-based women's centers. WCC functions as a community of practice and invites the rich synthesis of scholarship, praxis, and creative programming in its impact on students and faculty alike. It is also a space for community connection among peers - a much needed avenue of support as we navigate escalated attacks and critiques of WGSS-based work in American higher education - and innovation for strategies as well as interventions.

As core committees, the PAD and WCC works in tandem with the National Office to coordinate pre-conferences at the Annual Conference each year. 

Core Committee


Program Administration and Development (PAD)

Jenn Brandt & Stephanie Rytlahti

Women' Centers Committee (WCC)

Dana Bisignani & Leitia Price

Interest Groups

As a Constituency Group, Interest Groups focus on areas of scholarly inquiry - this can include identity-based areas of study, interdisciplinary approaches to women's, gender, and sexuality studies, as well as work that engages how we "do" feminist work in and outside of academia.  Interest Groups connect over projects, interventions, and invites member-driven resources, collaborative ways of blending experiential knowledge with coalition building, and curating strategies/policies/practices that address pressing issues that impact the field as whole.

 Our current offering of Interest Groups include:

Special Interest Group


Activity Status

Animal Studies/Animal Ethics Interest Group Chloe Diamond-Lenow Active

Arts and Performance Interest Group

Elizabeth Currans &

Sidra Lawrence


Asexuality Studies Interest Group

Maya Wenzel Active

Confronting Campus Sexual Assault

Vacant Inactive
Contingent Faculty Interest Group Vacant Inactive

Disability Studies Interest Group

Vacant Inactive

Distance Education Interest Group

Yvonne El Ashmawi 


Early Modern Women Interest Group

Vacant Inactive

Fat Studies Interest Group

Amanda Levitt, Zoe Muzyczka, & Bri Sorensen


Feminism and Activism Interest Group

Vacant Inactive

Feminists for Justice In/For Palestine (F4JP)

Rabab Abdulhadi Active

Feminist Media Studies Interest Group

Vacant Inactive

Feminist Pedagogy Interest Group

Vacant Inactive

Feminist Spirituality Interest Group

Vacant Inactive

Gender, Women's, and Feminist Studies (GWFS) PhD Interest Group

Vacant Inactive

Law and Public Policy Interest Group

Lisa Alfredson & Leifa Mayers Active

Libraries and Archives Interest Group

Sara A. Howard & Holly Smith Active

Popular Culture Interest Group

Shenee Simon & Alexandra Stamson Active

Publishing Feminisms Interest Group

Kim Cameron-Domínguez Active

Reproductive Justice Interest Group

Maria Rovito Active

NWSA Task Forces

The Association supports member-driven Task Forces that focus on issues relevant to the field and/or NWSA that can be addressed through action. Task Forces can be short-term or long-term (and sometimes a length of time that feels in-between) collaborative work that engage call to actions on topics that impact WGSS scholars, activists, students, and feminists in an array of fields. Our current offering of active Task Forces include: 

Task Force


Activity Status 

Anti-White Supremacy Task Force

Vacant Inactive

Feminists in Science and Technology Studies (FiSTS) Task Force

Lindsey Breitwieser & Cora Olson Active

International Task Force

Vacant Inactive

Science and Technology Task Force

Vacant Inactive
Social Justice Education Task Force Vacant Inactive

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Women's Centers Committee

Women's Centers are unarguably transformative sites of change for all members of a campus community. The first postsecondary women's center was founded in 1960 at the University of Minnesota and the legacy of addressing national issues of gender equity and support continues to expand. Our colleagues in campus-based women's centers work tirelessly to "deploy an intersectional lens in their work" and strive to address the historical (and in many ways ongoing) and institutional contexts that challenge the reach of Women's Centers. 

Learn More

Movements are born of critical connections rather than critical mass.

~ Grace Lee Boggs

Program Administration and Development Committee

The Program Administration and Development (PAD) Committee is one of two groups that focus on roles that are vital to the NWSA mission; it serves as a space for program chairs and directors to network, coalition build, and share resources aimed at sustaining the work of women's, gender, and sexuality studies academic departments/programs. 

Learn More

Quick Links

Propose a New Constituency Group

Members are welcome to propose new or reinvigorate inactive Constituency Groups. We require the following materials:

  • Name of the Constituency Group
  • Name and contact information of proposed co/chair(s)
  • Its purpose relative to the mission of NWSA
  • Draft Bylaws
  • Mission or description of the proposed Constituency Group
  • Signatures of at least twenty five (25) active NWSA members (name, pronouns, institution, and email addresses.

Please submit these materials in an accessible PDF to the National Office

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Become a Member

As a member of the National Women's Studies Association, you belong to the nation's largest network of feminist scholars, educators, and activists. All memberships run on a twelve month period. Sign up for auto-renewal to never miss a membership payment!