NWSA Women of Color Caucus Frontiers Student Essay Award
The National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) in partnership with Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies invites paper submissions for the annual NWSA Women of Color Caucus-Frontiers Student Essay Award.
The purpose of this award is to discover, encourage, and promote the intellectual development of emerging scholars who engage in critical theoretical discussions and/or analyses about feminist/womanist issues concerning women and girls of color in the United States and diasporas.
One (1) annual $500 award is available for a Woman or Non-Binary Person of Color who is a current graduate student and member of NWSA. The prize-winning essay will automatically be considered for publication in Frontiers. All essays are subject to the Frontiers peer review process. If winning essays are accepted for publication, additional revisions may be required.
Submission Requirements
Submissions must be from Women or Non-Binary People of Color who are current individual NWSA members and currently enrolled in a graduate or professional program. Recent recipients of a terminal degree (no later than May 2025) are also eligible to apply.
Submissions must be original manuscripts, not previously published in whole or in part (whether online or in print) or under consideration for publication or another award.
Manuscripts must be word-processed, double-spaced (including endnotes), and should not exceed 12,000 words.
The title page should include the applicant's name, address, email address, college or university affiliation, and student status (graduate or eligible post graduate) in the top right corner. No other identification information should appear in the manuscript.
Citations should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, with "humanities style" endnotes. Source information is provided only through numbered endnotes. This information is not given in parentheses or in a bibliography.
All submissions must be exclusive submissions to Frontiers for the duration of the essay award contest.
Submissions must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a mentoring professor.
The letter of recommendation should speak to the importance and innovation of the applicant's particular research interventions, and should also address the applicant's skills, accomplishments, and other qualities that make them well suited as a leader in research on women of color. Additionally, the letter of recommendation must address the suitability of the paper for publication in Frontiers.
The NWSA Women of Color Caucus identifies Women of Color as those persons from African, Asian (including Asian American, Pacific Islander, Arab or Middle East Asian), Latin American, or American Indian (including African Native American or Alaskan Native) descent.
The Women of Color Caucus Frontiers Student Essay Award Application will run February 1st - June 1st, 2025
Apply Now
Trans/Gender Variant Caucus Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize and support the work of scholars working in the emergent field of Trans Studies, broadly conceived. This $200 prize will be awarded to any caucus member whose paper was accepted for the annual conference and demonstrates potential to advance the field of trans studies. The recipient will be selected by a committee composed of the caucus chairs and two caucus members.
The paper will be selected based on the following criteria: originality of topic; quality of analysis and/or methods; potential to contribute to the field of trans studies; integrative analysis of race, class, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, empire, etc.; and clarity and organization.
Submission Requirements
- Accepted paper at the 2025 Annual Conference
- Current 2025 Individual NWSA Membership at time of submission and during the convening of the Annual Conference
- Member of Trans/Gender-Variant Caucus at time of submission
- Paper of no more than 20 pages, double-spaced
- 1-2 page Curriculum Vitate (CV)
- Submissions must be from a Transgender and/or Gender-Variant-identifying scholar who is currently enrolled in a graduate or professional program
- Recent recipients of a terminal degree (no later than January 2025) are also eligible to apply
The Trans/Gender Variant Caucus Award Application will run May 15th - July 15th, 2025
NWSA Graduate Scholarship
NWSA will award $1,000 to a student who, in the fall of the year of the award, will be engaged in the research or writing stages of a Master's Thesis or Ph.D. Dissertation in the interdisciplinary field of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality studies. The research project must enhance the NWSA mission. This opportunity is open to current NWSA individual members.
Submission Requirements
- Hold an active Individual NWSA Membership at time of submission and during the convening of the Annual Conference
- PDF of one-page Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Letter of recommendation from Program Director (if your primary department is not Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, we suggest asking a professor whom you think would provide the strongest letter of about your work as it relates to NWSA and the field).
The NWSA Graduate Scholarship Application will run February 1st - June 1st, 2025
Apply Now
Lesbian Caucus Award
The purpose of the annual NWSA Lesbian Caucus Award is to provide a $500 research award in recognition of a Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation project in areas of Lesbian, Queer, and LGBT Studies that resonates with the mission of NWSA. The field of the degree is open, but the work should focus on lesbian (defined broadly) lives, identities, or realities and make a contribution to the fields of lesbian and sexuality studies.
Award applications are evaluated on the basis of:
- Clarity of project description;
- Relevance to mission of NWSA, goals of Lesbian Caucus, and field of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies;
- Engagement of feminist analytical frameworks/methodologies; and
- Potential impact on the fields of Lesbian/Sexuality studies.
Submission Requirements
- Hold an active Individual NWSA Membership at time of submission and during the convening of the Annual Conference
- One letter of recommendation, preferably from dissertation or thesis adviser, although Director of Graduate Studies/Department Chairs letters will be accepted.
- All scholarship applicants are encouraged to apply for NWSA Conference Registration and Travel Grants if assistance is needed for NWSA conference participation.
The Lesbian Caucus Award Application will run February 1st - June 1st, 2025
Apply Now