This presidential address and opening discussion augments “The Journey Not Only the Arrival, Critical Connections Not Only Critical Mass: (Re)Thinking Feminist Movements,” the theme for our 2024 annual conference in Detroit and the title of President Heidi R. Lewis’ Presidential Address. Detroit was Grace Lee Boggs’ home for over 60 years and the place where she founded the National Organization for an American Revolution with her husband Jimmy 45 years ago. So, our theme honors two of her quotes, “activism can be the journey rather than the arrival” and “movements are born of critical connections rather than critical mass.” Our conference is a space where we gather to think about, discuss, and develop strategies to resist myriad forms of subjugation and oppression.
We gather to teach and learn from one another, to support and care for one another, to celebrate one another, and to share in each other’s pain and joy. At the same time, it’s just as important to attend to the complicated contours of our relationships with one another. What happens when heterosexism, ableism, and colonialism show up in us? What happens when we perpetuate anti-Black racism, transantagonism, and xenophobia? What happens when we privilege the arrival at the expense of the journey? What happens when we sacrifice critical connections in favor of galvanizing critical mass? These questions, and more will be strengthened by members of the James and Grace Lee Boggs Foundation: Donald Boggs, Aurora Harris, Dr. Gloria House, Alice Jennings, Dr. Scott Kurashige, Tiffany Lee, and Julia Putnam as thought leaders and organizers who embody all that James and Grace Lee Boggs visioned in their activism.
President Lewis’ hope is for us to collectively raise and interrogate these questions for the sake of what she often refers to as the always advantageous but sometimes contentious contours of solidarity. Even though we may be certain about our many intended destinations, she invites us to nurture curiosity about our journeys and connections with each other, because that is the lesson from Boggs that resonates with her most.
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