From the NWSA President
Dear Colleague:
Welcome to the 30th anniversary conference of the National Women's Studies Association! This year's conference, with the theme of "Past Debates, Present Possibilities, Future Feminisms: A Women's and Gender Studies Conference Celebrating 30 Years of NWSA," promises to be even larger and more varied than in previous years. We are pleased to welcome Sandra Cisneros as our featured conference speaker. Other innovations this year are the 30th anniversary student pre-conference, organized by and for students; an all-conference tribute to This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color; individual mentoring sessions for those seeking career advice; the largest ever number of participants in the Women of Color Leadership Project, which now includes the Women's Centers Committee; and a wide range of activities for those interested in girls' studies. Please join me in thanking the National Conference Committee, the LocalOrganizing Committee, the proposal reviewers, and the national office staff for all their hard work to make this possible.
You are joining us at a transformative time in the history of this organization. Not only is this our 30th conference, but it comes at the end of a very exciting year, made possible by generous financial support from the Ford Foundation. Now, almost one year into the three-year grant and with some additional Ford funding, we have held retreats for the Women of Color Leadership Project and Women of Color Caucus. The strategic planning process included a meeting with the Governing Council in January and committee meetings both in Washington, D.C., and via teleconference, plus much work on the part of our executive director, Allison Kimmich. We presented the plan to the Governing Council at this year's meeting and will be working in the months ahead to implement it. At the end, we hope to have an even more stable organization and an organization ready to meet the challenges of the years ahead.
To do this, we will need all your assistance. If you are new to NWSA or to our conference, please make yourself known to us. If this is not your first meeting, please make an extra effort to reach out to new members and make them feel welcome. Take the time to learn about our many task forces, interest groups, and caucuses and to attend the regional meetings to see how you can become more involved in NWSA. Come to the Membership Assembly meeting on Friday evening and make sure the members of the Delegate Assembly hear your views.
We must grow NWSA to continue to be successful and to be financially stable when the Ford Foundation funding ends. Please invite your colleagues and friends to join us and please support us as your resources permit. At this conference, we have a very special raffle underway as a fund-raiser and also want to thank those NWSA life members, past presidents, Governing Council members, and others who have made financial contributions to mark this milestone anniversary.
Most importantly, we hope you will enjoy this conference. Meet new friends, attend invigorating sessions, and partake of the numerous recreation opportunities here at Pheasant Run and the entertainment and traditional dance that are part of the conference. Then, when you join us again next year in Cincinnati, please bring your friends with you. We're glad to see you here and want to see you back for many years to come.
Barb Howe
NWSA President, 2006-2008