The National Women' Studies Association (NWSA) is excited to offer an opportunity for membership engagement with our Governing Council member Dr. Dominique C. Hill (Member-at-Large) this July!
In 1969, June Jordan wrote the book length poem and children’s book Who look at me? In it, she writes “I am black alive and looking back at you.” This statement and provocation embodies the will and insistence of Black life and living. Jordan's declaration, an incantation and recipe, still conjures important lessons for our present moment.
This creative community takes seriously the power of collective incantation, suture our living with those no longer breathing, and own our aliveness through movement, words, and breath. Upon registration, consider doing one or a few of the following: choose an herb or spice you think important to aliveness; generate a gesture or movement you want to add to our recipe; tell a friend to register; decide where you will be or wear to co-create together; identify a piece of wisdom you want to offer as an ingredient–this could be a quote, family saying, song lyric, anything you find to be wisdom. We will connect, devise, and then perform our recipe.